Sunday, November 30, 2008

Carbon Neutral - The Next Big Buzz in Golf Tournaments?

First thing first, what is Carbon Neutral?

Being carbon neutral, or having a zero carbon footprint, refers to achieving net zero carbon emissions by balancing a measured amount of carbon released with an equivalent amount sequestered or offset. Best practice for organizations and individuals seeking carbon neutral status entails reducing and/or avoiding carbon emissions first so that only unavoidable emissions are offset.
Here's some more info from

Becoming Carbon Neutral has gained popularity within some of the larger golf tournaments, here's a few examples:
2010 Ryder Cup - The Most Environmentally Sustainable Event Ever? We'll keep our eyes on this one!
Celebrity Golf Classic
2008 Cadbury Schweppes Australian PGA Championships
2008 Washington Ec0-Golf Classic
Deutsche Bank Championship Tournament
British Peruvian Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament
RockTron Charity Tournament

Addressing the issue of Carbon in the industry - great article by Golf Environment Europe
A solar powered golf cart example here
Justin Rose (Pro Aussie Golfer) commits to go Carbon Neutral


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