Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Le Maitre de Mont-Tremblant, Composting is a key part of their environmental stewardship program

I'm a big fan of composting.

I know a hand full of golf courses who are making use of their green wastes, in some cases even from resort restaurants, and using it out on the course. It's "brown, hot, stinky gold" I'm told. I've wanted to post information on composting for quite some time, so here it goes, just a bunch of links but I'll definitely source out some more case studies.

This article describes a common situation at golf courses and University campuses, they are concerned about smells, safety (a little paranoid I think) and aesthetics. All of these can be dealt with quite easily, below are a few compost links that may help you refine your techniques.

Start small:
Composting 101
The Compost Recipe
The Composting Guy (great for gardens and limited space and $)

Large Scale:
Farm technique can be modified for use at golf courses

Golf Specific Articles:
Golf Compost
Green Golf with video - MUST WATCH
R&A Article
Looks like a great article - must sign up to read whole thing.
Case Study
Great Case Study
Temporal effects of Compost and Fertilizer Applications on Nitrogen Fertility of Golf Course Turfgrass

Compost Tea
Compost Tea - I love this stuff!
More Compost Tea
Even More Compost Tea

Composting Toilets
Golf Course Dumps Portable Toilets for Composting Ones - I've used them, they are great! You'll see a lot more courses, especially in dry regions, install these soon.

I am awaiting photos from Blakburn Meadows Organic Golf Course on Salt Spring Island who are in the process of installing a home made version.

I'll be posting more info on composting, if you have any experience with composting at your course please tell us your experiences in the comment section.


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